Wiki max headroom
Wiki max headroom

wiki max headroom

This is another mysterious television hijacking, along with the Wyoming Incident, however, it actually did happen with proof.Low to high for the other variant, as the sudden appearance of the man will unsettle some, but the absence of the eerie voice, subject matter and sound effects make it somewhat tamer.Though some unaffected by it may even find it funny or be straigh up confused. Medium to nightmare, because of the overly strange stuff and the eerie sounds/voice and constant movements. The Max Headroom Incident was a TV hijack incident that happened in 1987 of Chicago, Illinois.Long version: A heavily distorted voice, which is very hard to describe what he's saying without the subtitles, along with accompanying sound effects (like the can thudding).The girl then whacks his behind with a swatter. He then moves his head to reveal that he has some of his pants down. At the end, we see him pulling a face to a girl (possibly a child). He does stuff such as moving his head out of the camera, throwing a can of soft drink and grabbing/tossing a garden glove. We see a (possibly drunk) man wearing a Max Headroom mask saying/humming weird stuff and doing weird stuff over a moving background (that looks like a tin wall).

Wiki max headroom